Healthiest Chicken Taco EVER!

With all this delicious butter-based food here in Paris and patisseries at every corner it’s easy to lose control of your weight. So here is a quick little recipe that I’ve seen a million times online but never actually tried it until now.


One Chicken breast or two chicken strips

1/6 green pepper, yellow pepper and red pepper

1/3 of an onion or 1 ‘echalotte’

¼ or 1/3 of an avocado

2 or 3 Romaine lettuce leaves

½ lemon

Olive oil


Serves 1


First chop the onions into small pieces and sauté with olive oil in a pan on medium heat.


First sauté chopped onions

Add chopped peppers, when the onions begin to achieve some color remove all the vegetables and put aside.

Sautéd peppers and onions

Sautéd peppers and onions

Cut chicken into bite size pieces and season.


Add to pan until fully cooked.

If you like your food very warm like I do, you can add the veggies back into the pan with the chicken to mix and warm it all together while you cut your avocado into strips, one or two per ‘taco’.


Add the chicken and veggies to the lettuce leaf and then add the avocado and sprinkle some lemon juice on top of it all and voila!



By Yessika Mármol